Westeros is a vast continent with an intricate political landscape. The Seven Kingdoms are ruled by various Houses, each with their own unique history and traditions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Westeros map and the families that inhabit it.
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Westeros is a vast continent with an intricate political landscape. The Seven Kingdoms are ruled by various Houses, each with their own unique history and traditions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Westeros map and the families that inhabit it.
The North
The North is ruled by House Stark, a noble family with a long-standing history of defending the North from invaders. Their sigil is a direwolf, and their words are "Winter Is Coming." Some notable members of House Stark include Ned, Robb, and Sansa.
The Iron Islands
The Iron Islands are ruled by House Greyjoy, a seafaring family with a reputation for raiding. Their sigil is a kraken, and their words are "We Do Not Sow." Some notable members of House Greyjoy include Balon, Yara, and Theon.
The Riverlands
The Riverlands are ruled by House Tully, a family known for their strategic alliances. Their sigil is a fish, and their words are "Family, Duty, Honor." Some notable members of House Tully include Catelyn Stark and Edmure Tully.
The Vale
The Vale is ruled by House Arryn, a family known for their isolationist policies. Their sigil is a falcon, and their words are "As High As Honor." Some notable members of House Arryn include Lysa and Robin.
The Westerlands
The Westerlands are ruled by House Lannister, a wealthy family with a reputation for cunning. Their sigil is a lion, and their words are "Hear Me Roar." Some notable members of House Lannister include Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion.
The Reach
The Reach is ruled by House Tyrell, a family known for their wealth and political savvy. Their sigil is a rose, and their words are "Growing Strong." Some notable members of House Tyrell include Margaery and Olenna.
Dorne is ruled by House Martell, a family with a fierce reputation for defending their homeland. Their sigil is a sun, and their words are "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." Some notable members of House Martell include Oberyn and Ellaria.
Question and Answer
Q: Which House rules the North?
A: House Stark rules the North.
Q: What is the sigil of House Lannister?
A: The sigil of House Lannister is a lion.
Q: Which House rules the Riverlands?
A: House Tully rules the Riverlands.
Q: What are the words of House Tyrell?
A: The words of House Tyrell are "Growing Strong."
Westeros is a complex world with a rich history and diverse political landscape. Understanding the families that rule each region is crucial in understanding the overall dynamics of the continent. We hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of the Westeros map and the families that inhabit it.